Categories / Selling Skills

Selling Skills

Sales courses are crucial for individuals and organizations in enhancing sales skills, driving revenue growth, building strong customer relationships, and gaining a competitive edge in the market. They contribute to the professional development of sales professionals and overall sales team performance, leading to increased business success.

Courses in collection

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Develop a Line Of Enquiry

All sales people ask questions to their client, but what matters is that – do they ask right questions. Take this short course to understand the Line of Enquiry.

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Handle A Late Stage Objection

Late-Stage Objection occurs when the customer refuses to move ahead with the sale just when the salesperson is about to close it.

Watch the course and learn strategies to handle these objections.

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Handle The Status Quo Objection

Status Quo Objection usually appears early in the sales process, most often during the first call. Objection Handling means responding to the buyer in a way that changes their mind or alleviate their concerns.

Watch the course and learn strategies to handle these objections.

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Negotiation Skills

Negotiation Skills plays an important role in business and organizational settings. The ability to negotiate effectively contributes significantly to business success as the aim is to foster goodwill despite the difference in interests.

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Sell Socratically

Selling skills are critical in organizations that rely on ongoing buying from customers or clients.
Socratic approach to Sales allows the salesperson to create a collaborative, win-win environment with the customer.

Watch this course to know more about this approach.

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Selling Skills

Sales are certainly what drives anyone in and out of a business. Selling is one of the most important business skills. Selling skills are critical in organizations that rely on ongoing buying from customers or clients.

Watch this short course to know more.

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Support your proposal with Evidence

Getting a customer buy from you requires a leap of faith? Building evidence into your proposal will make it easier for the customer to build that faith.

Watch this course to learn about the various types of supporting evidence.

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The Power of Storytelling in Presentations

Using stories in the presentation is a characteristic of a good speaker. The presentations need not to be only about facts, charts and graphs. As communications expert Jim Lukaszewski says, “A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a good story is worth 10,000 pictures.” Adding Stories to your presentations help the audience to grasp and remember a concept for long. It also makes things interesting.

Watch this course to learn the various tips and techniques on choosing the right story and delivering it.

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Use the Power of Stories in your Presentation

Are you tired of seeing the disinterested faces of your audience while presenting? It is may be because you are one of the speakers who dump mounds of data on your audience. What should you do? Try adding a story to your presentation. Adding stories to the presentation brings it to life. It makes the message more relevant and interesting.

This course from dynamic pixel will help you in understanding the various components of a good story and the tips to create and add a good story to your presentation.

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Create a Value Link

Customers buy products more for the value rather than features and benefits. The right way to sell value is by making a value link.

Watch this course to learn how to make an effective value link statement.

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Understand the Art of Persuasion

Understanding the art of persuasion can not only help you learn how to influence others; it can also make you more aware of the techniques others might use to try and change your beliefs and behaviors.

Watch this course to learn how to be persuade successfully.

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Control the Sales Call

This module equips you with strategies to maintain control during sales calls. Learn how to guide conversations effectively and confidently say no to customers when necessary, ensuring a professional and productive interaction.