4. Course Components/Activites
4.6. Database
The database enables participants to create, maintain, and search a collection of entries.
The structure of the entries is defined using different types of fields, such as short text, dropdown list, text area, URL, image, or file.
As an instructor, you can comment and rate entries. You can also allow learners to rate and comment on entries (peer evaluation). Ratings can be aggregated to form a final grade, which is recorded in the gradebook.
If the Database auto-linking filter is enabled, any entries in a database will be automatically linked where the words or phrases appear within the course.
You can use the Database to:
- Create a collaborative collection of links, books, book reviews, journal references, etc.
- Display learner-created photos, posters, websites, or poems for peer comment and review.
In Organisation, the database feature can be used for getting input (information) from the employees regarding anything. It helps you to save your time and paper.