Art Of Management
All topics covered throughout the Art of Management course are related to the challenges in the life of an entrepreneur, confirming that those winning concepts and strategies apply instantly. The various topics covered in this category include First Time Managers, Risk Management, Project Management, and others.
Courses in collection

Change Management
Change is the law of life. Hence, managing it effectively is very important. Change management is becoming increasingly important in organizations these days as it is the discipline that provides a conceptual scaffolding for people, the process, and the organization to successfully adopt and implement change in order to drive organizational success and outcomes.
Watch this course from dynamic pixel to know about various change management models and best practices with the help of which you can implement the change successfully.

Continuous Improvement Through PDSA
Are you striving for continuous improvement?
The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a four-step iterative process for continuously improving processes, products or services as well as for resolving problems. This method allows you to thoroughly but efficiently test and evaluate your ideas for change.
Then our course Continuous Improvement through PDSA is for you. Continuous improvement is at the heart of the PDSA cycle.

First Time Managers
Management is an indispensable element for the establishment, proper functioning, and success of all organizations.

Kanban is an evolutionary, change management system that slowly but gradually improves the existing system by introducing the small changes required.
Kanban is versatile and can be easily implemented in any industry.
Watch this course to know more about the concept of Kanban, the practices involved and how you can implement it.

According to a quote by Keith Davis, “Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the human factor which binds a group together and motivates it towards goal.”
Good leadership plays a very important role in the growth of an organization as it helps to establish company culture and build an inspiring vision for the business.
This course from dynamic pixel will help you understand the importance of leadership in an organization and various leadership styles and theories.

Lean Management
Lean management refers to the techniques developed with the aim of minimizing the process waste and maximizing the value of the product without compromising the qualities.
Here is a course to help you manage lean.

Managerial Effectiveness
Managerial Effectiveness aims at optimum allocation and utilisation of organisational resources in order to achieve the goals at minimum cost.
Watch this course in order to learn how one can become an effective manager.

Project Management
Project management is important as it ensures proper expectations around what can be delivered, by when, and for how much. Without proper project management, budget estimates and project delivery timelines can be set that are over-yearning or lacking in analogous estimating insight from similar projects.
Watch our course on Project Management and be proficient in managing various projects.

Risk Management
Want to understand and proactively manage the individual and overall risks associated with your organization? Then watch this course and learn various techniques to avoid potential risks, minimize their impact if they occur and cope with the results.

Strategic Planning
Working out a strategic plan is indispensable for the growth of any business, even if the planning process takes time and resources. Strategic planning gives your business an idea about where it is headed. On the other hand, not having a strategic plan will make you wander aimlessly without priorities, changing constantly, and with employees confused about the purpose of their jobs.
Watch this course from dynamic pixel to know more about the process of strategic planning.

Team Building
Team building is one of the most important investments you can make for both your business and the people within it. It is about providing the skills, training and resources that your people need, so that they can work in harmony.
Do you also want to build a great team?
If yes, then, this course is for you. Watch this course from Dynamic Pixel and know how to increase your business productivity by building a great team.

Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management
In today’s world, most knowledge in organizations is stored in people’s heads than in computers or any other databases. Therefore, it is critical to manage this knowledge so that it is available when and where needed.
Watch this course to identify why knowledge management is of strategic importance to organizations.

Meeting Management
Want to make your meetings productive and efficient? Then this course is for you. It will enable you to conduct effective meetings.
Effective Meeting Management involves planning and organising well-structured meetings.

Extreme Ownership
Extreme Ownership means taking the responsibility of not only those tasks which are assigned to you but taking the responsibility of success of the whole mission.
Watch this course and be a leader with extreme ownership by following its various principles.

Coordinating with Others
There is an African proverb, if you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Thus, coordinating with others is fundamental to good teamwork and success.

Feedback And Coaching
Do you think regular feedback and coaching is important? Yes! Absolutely. Employees want to hear how they are performing and, giving consistent feedback and coaching will keep them engaged and motivated.
Here is a course to help you learn ways to give effective feedback and coaching.

Delegation and Team Building
This module teaches you the benefits of delegation, the key steps involved in the delegation process, and how to motivate team members effectively. Learn how to leverage delegation to enhance team performance and foster a collaborative, motivated work environment.

Setting and Communicating Realistic Standards
module teaches you how to develop and establish quality standards. Learn effective strategies to communicate these standards clearly, ensuring alignment and consistency within your team or organization.

Employee Buy-in and Disciplinary Sessions
This module helps you understand the importance of employee engagement and outlines creative approaches to progressive discipline. Learn how to implement effective disciplinary plans and apply the four-stage process for managing employee behavior constructively.